“I ROAR in response!”

Hello. I am new here. I’m 8 months out of the ward. Last summer I began to hear kind, supportive voices. I had been doing a lot of yoga. Meditating. Eating well. I’ve never done drugs. Then I went manic. I got super paranoid that someone was out to get me. I fought an epic battle against an invisible dark army and was met by guides and spirits who helped me to protect myself. It was horrifying. I almost died from starvation. Every night I would prepare for my death. Each morning was a victory if I lived.

I was found naked and in full trance in my home by 4 cops and a social worker. I was taken to ER then the ward, handcuffed in a sheriff’s car. They ran tests and let me wander the halls like a jaguar for days. I remembered smashing a coffee pot to pieces out of anger. I spent time in the padded cell. They finally injected me with drugs, not knowing what else to do. Then came pills. I lied when the doc asked if I was hearing voices. Then lied to my family that I was taking the drugs while under their care afterwards.

The only true help I got was, ironically, not doctors, but the voices! After the ward I hallucinated and received messages from other beings for six months.

I quit the poison. I refused to be called sick or be a paranoid schizophrenic. The only true help I got was, ironically, not doctors, but the voices! After the ward I hallucinated and received messages from other beings for six months. I thought it would be the new normal. Then a doctor friend suggested I do hard cardio and within a week of running I felt more “back to Earth” than I had in months.

I still run. I eat as well as I can. I don’t watch violence. Somedays my life feels like a sci-fi story. I am learning to pray like never before. I sing songs to keep unseen predators away. I fall into small spells of paranoia and lately I’m just so sick of it that I ROAR in response. You can’t bully me anymore! My heart is pure! I am here for the good! Let me do my work!

And what is my work? It may be to talk to voices! 😂 The good ones! I’ve found coaches and mentors who are professional psychics. One works for the sheriff’s department and helps to find missing people.

And what is my work? It may be to talk to voices! 😂 The good ones! I’ve found coaches and mentors who are professional psychics. One works for the sheriff’s department and helps to find missing people. I just got into a graduate program for mental health. I’ll start one year from my release from the ward and you bet I’m gonna fight like hell to develop *actual care* for those of us who, in my opinion, may be very gifted, we just don’t have the tools to protect ourselves. Thank you for reading and for being a part of this loving, brave group. ~ Anonymous Submission


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